Being active in sexual activities, will helps to increase the heartbeat. The activity of intercourse helps to keep the hormones estrogen and testosterone balance in the body. Timing is very important during intercourse, timing indicates that how much a person is sexually active and healthy. For some people facing problems in timing, the use of natural herbs can help them to make it better. It is common to use sexual power increase tablets in Pakistan.
Health Benefits of Sexual Intercourse
If you are sexually active you will be lesser sick. Following are the benefits of having intercourse.
- It helps to keep your immune system strong. People who stay more engaged in intercourse activity are having more antibodies as compared to the other ones against viruses, germs.
- It helps to boost your libido. In a woman, the vaginal lubrication, elasticity, and blood flow will get improve by more intercourse activities.
- It helps to improve a woman’s bladder control. Pelvic floor muscles become stronger, it provides strength to them.
- Sexual intercourse helps to lower blood pressure.
- It is a form of exercise. It helps to burn 5 calories per minute.
- It helps to get rid of many problems like osteoporosis and heart-related diseases.
- It helps to decrease chronic pains like back pain, leg pain, and menstrual cramps in a woman.
- Men who are more engaged in this activity they are having likely fewer chances of prostate cancer.
- It helps to improve sleep and reduces stress and depression condition.
Ovulation and timing of Sexual intercourse
The timing of sexual intercourse has a high impact on the period of conception. It may also relate to the sex of the baby. The day of ovulation, at the end of the 6-day pregnancy attributed to intercourse.
- You need to manage any chronic health problem
- You should be more physically active, the muscles involved in ejaculation and arousal may improve with the help of exercise.
- If you are facing any relationship problem. You need to address it. You should end the communication gap with your partner.
- Smoking can leads to high blood pressure and other issues like erectile dysfunction. Quit smoking habit.
- Manage stress and anxiety conditions. Talk to your doctor about it.
Sexual Problems in Women:
Following are the sexual problems that can be a cause of disruption in intercourse timing:
- Low sexual desire
- Sexual arousal disorder
- Orgasmic disorder
- Sexual pain disorder
Sexual Problems in Men:
- Inability to have an orgasm
- Lack of Sexual desires
- Inability to keep an erection
- Too slowly or too quickly orgasm happens
As you are getting old, your intercourse timing can get low. To treat these kinds of disorder patient can choose different treatment options like:
- Penis implant surgery
- Testosterone replacement therapy
- Penile tactile therapy
- Medicines for erection Problems
Dietary and Herbal Management
- Mediterranean diet is an anti-inflammatory treatment, which also helps to prevent diabetes in many individuals and improve sexual abilities. This diet plan focuses more on the consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, fibers, virgin olive oil. It is also useful for erectile dysfunction.
- Yohimbe increased the blood flow to the penis, but not effective for chronic diseases .like hypertension, diabetes, etc.
- Tribulus Terrestris originates from Africa, Asia, and Europe. It helps to improve sperm production, also beneficial to improve a woman’s sexual desires.
- Maca helps to increase libido and improves sexual abilities. It can use in tablet form, it is one of the best tablets to increase sex time.
- Muira Puama improves erectile dysfunction. It can be used in tablet form.
- Oysters consist of zinc, zinc helps to increase the testosterone production and production of sperms.
- Chasteberry helps to reduce the production of estrogen and increase the level of progesterone. It uses to treat premenstrual syndrome.
- Ginkgo biloba helps to improve the sexual dysfunction problems in men and women.
- Arginine helps in the production of nitric oxide in the body. It is highly recommended for the enhancement of sexual desires in women and increase the frequency of orgasm.
- Honey is being used to increase romance. Honey is a natural remedy that has been used traditionally.
- Chocolate helps in the production of serotonin, which is responsible for the elevation of mood.
- Damiana is a form of Mexican shrub, it helps to increase the sexual performance in men and women.
- Fenugreek is the type of Ayurvedic medicine. It has libido-boosting effects. It increases the activity of sex hormones estrogen and testosterone.
- Lady Prelox help in female sexual functions, it helps in natural sex drive. This herb is the best answer to how to increase sex time.
- Red clover is a legume likes chickpeas. It helps to increase the sex drive as well as helps in boosting mood and protect against cardiovascular diseases.
Ajmal Dawa khana located in Pakistan, offering a variety of herbal medicines to cure and prevent sexual inabilities. Mr. Ajmal is one of the best Hakeem Ajmal in Lahore.
Following are the list of timing tablets in Lahore offered by the Ajmal Dawakhana:
- V2 Ajmali is an aphrodisiac. It is effective to increase pleasure time, reduces early discharge.
- Habbe Mumsik Mushki Khas helps to treat premature ejaculation, reduces sexual anxiety and increases sex timing, and it improves stamina. It also helps to prolong the pleasure.
- Qurs Mumsik Jadid is useful for lack of vitality and the treatment of decreased libido. It helps to maintain testosterone production at the normal level.
- Tila khas No. 1 is the best medicine if you are looking for sex time delay tablets in Pakistan. It is useful for sexual disorders like excessive masturbation. It removes sexual weakness and helps in erection.
If you are suffering from any kind of sexual disorder you cannot enjoy your sexual life. To make your life happy, you need to focus on every aspect of your life. Herbs have the treatment of every sexual disorder. Increase the use of herbs instead of pharmaceutical medicines. Try to cure disorders in naturally ways.