Mastering Instagram SEO: Crafting SEO-Friendly Photo Descriptions

Cool photo descriptions, what insta descriptions to add … I think everyone knows these time-consuming thoughts, right? In the pursuit of likes and followers, you often forget about one of the most effective methods to attract real followers to your account. And also, those who will actively participate in the life of the profile, i.e. leave likes, comments, reactions and, of course, recommend it further. Well-prepared descriptions on Insta are this method, the role of which is twofold: attracting the attention of recipients and conveying some content.

Why Instagram descriptions?

Of course, you can go the easy way. You can upload a photo, decorate it with a few thematic hashtags and forget about its existence. Let him live his own life and fate will do its job. This belief among many Instagrammers is immediately verified by Instagram itself. In social media, it is not fate that determines the popularity of a photo or entry, but a whole range of various activities undertaken to promote them. And it is difficult to effectively promote something that the average internet user will perceive as “an entry made sloppy” and not a valuable message, which the sender (the owner of the Insta account) wants to interest him with. That is why it is so important from the marketing point of view to correctly prepare the content to be placed under the photo. Insta descriptions should be well-thought-out, interesting, valuable, emotional, touching… and at the same time. How to achieve this effect? Unfortunately, not so easy. While for some Instagram photo descriptions are no difficulty, others will struggle to prepare them, even if it is a two-sentence entry.

How to make good descriptions for photos?

So you can use the help of experienced companies that create captions for photos on Insta or go to work yourself and practice a little. Getting a good description is not an easy journey, but it is also not impossible. What is best to remember? First of all, about such details as:

– the appropriate length of the description (do not bore the recipient, but also do not make him feel ignored by a short entry)

– thematic reference to the photo (sometimes photography defends itself, other times you need to use a word to describe what we refer to on it)

– a form of addressing the recipient (remember what your main target group is and do not address young people as old people who carry shopping to them)

– think, do not write on the way (good descriptions of photos must be well-thought-out, and writing everything that is saliva on the tongue is not a good idea)

– linguistic correctness (although it seems the most logical, Insta descriptions are often full of errors, not only on little-known profiles)

But the most important rule is always one: add descriptions! Don’t forget about them, don’t skip them deliberately, because you can do a lot of marketing harm to your profile.

What if I don’t add a description?

Well, what if someone does not care about having millions of followers and does not plan a great career in social media? If he keeps a profile only for himself and a few (ten, ten) friends? Is it so important then to add descriptions to the photos? What if he doesn’t add them?

Nothing big. Instagram will not block the account because someone adds only photos and puts a period in the description. If your profile is not popular, followers and swim to like on Instagram , its owner can guide it in any way he wants. However, another question arises: Shouldn’t even small profiles that are visited by few people respect their audience? Simply put – adding the photo on Insta without any description, no explanation, even a short one, is a sign for many users that the owner not only does not respect them but does not even care about visiting them on his profile. Insta descriptions are the easiest and most of all free way to communicate with users. Especially with those closest to you who follow the profile, comment on it, and recommend it. Showing them the middle finger, and this is what a blank photo looks like without description, is somewhat incorrect, and even extremely reprehensible behavior. Let’s not forget that thanks to descriptions we can gain valuable flowers on Instagam – let’s not skip it. This is the foundation of success.

Insta descriptions – prefabs for different occasions

Of course, not everyone is a master of the word and not everyone is a child’s play to write descriptions under photos. In such cases, it is worth having some ready-made texts on hand that can be put under the photo. Ideally, it should be universal content that fits most situations, and at the same time has an emotional impact on Internet users. A popular trick for making preparations is to use quotes or ask questions about some general problem. However, you have to remember to paste such a ready-made document thoughtfully and that it at least partially matches the photo or video you want to describe. Where to look for them? The Internet is full of places with ready-made templates containing descriptions for photos on Insta, but you can also go a step further and simply hire a company to take care of it.

Inventing descriptions yourself

On the other hand, people who have a lot of imagination and for whom Instagram descriptions are not a big problem can invent them regularly. What are the rules for creating Insta descriptions yourself? In fact, there are not many of them: you need to remember about the subject (matching the content to the photo), interaction with the recipient (drawing them attention, asking questions, thanking them), or making sure that the description is clear and understandable. It is worth creating descriptions for photos on Instagram based on your thoughts, feelings, or emotions because such posts gain the most recipients and reactions and can count on a lot of likes. However, here too there are limits: you must not give in to emotions alone and not control what you write. Even if we bring up some important topic that has upset us, descriptions for photos under such content must be cultural. Vulgar not only discourage recipients but can also be a reason to impose a penalty on the account from the website administration.

Descriptions for photos on Insta and hashtags

The place for descriptions of photos on Insta is also intended for placing hashtags in them. Their number, type, or form should match the photo, but also not overwhelm the description in any way. Unfortunately, there are more and more profiles on Instagram that ignore Insta descriptions and believe that hashtags alone are enough to gain popularity and attract an audience. If the number of the latter under the photo is greater than the length of the description itself, not only does it not look good and appealing but also such a photo has less chance of being caught by the algorithm and promoted. And promoting Instagram through professional websites can cost us a bit.

Description on Instagram in the form of a quote

One way to get a good caption under a photo on Insta is to use a quote. It is not only about a randomly selected statement from a book, series, or speech but about choosing it in terms of the thematic content of the photo itself. Quotes are the simplest form of filling in a description under a photo, but to be sure, it is worth adding at least a sentence or two of a comment. Especially when the quote wants to illustrate an important social problem, draw attention to a specific phenomenon, and define your views on a given topic. This is because quotes as descriptions for photos can be interpreted differently by different people. It will not hurt to explain and precisely present your position in such situations.

Cool descriptions for photos on insta are a significant part of the success – they define the attractiveness of the profile.

What to say in the description?

There is neither a golden mean nor a standard determinant of what exactly should be included in the descriptions under the photos. There are only two limiters: the account owner’s imagination and the provisions of the regulations that prohibit publishing illegal content, including offensive and vulgar. That’s why the descriptions on Insta are full of all kinds of things, from the quotes mentioned to long and very extensive epics. The description on Insta can be used for promotion and advertising, clarification and correction, appeal, and call to action. It can be simple supplementary information for a photo, as well as create a separate thematic content. In practice, what we include in such a description largely depends on the goal we want to achieve. If we want to promote ourselves, a brand, something, the whole company, the description should include superlatives and encouragement.

Description and photo are one thing?

While the description may be in its own way, the most desirable phenomenon on Insta is its direct link to the photo. Simply put, either the photo completes the description, or the description completes the photo. One part results from the other and should be as closely related as possible. The lack of any of these elements makes the entry on Insta incomplete,empty, uninteresting, and in extreme cases, which, unfortunately, is not enough, even incomprehensible to the recipients themselves.

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