Revitalize Your Roof: 7 DIY Roof Painting Tips

The diy roof is an indispensable part of a house. Without it, your home cannot be complete. It will neither be convenient nor safe. In short, it’s not inhabitable without the roof. That is definitely why you must ensure that you have an excellent roof installed professionally.

Nevertheless, the roof’s strength does not simply lie and end on how it is fixed but also on how it is taken care of. Maintenance is very important; it should never be forgotten. It should never be neglected. 

The roof has more elements and segments than one imagines. Only pro roofers know and understand, but others don’t, and you probably don’t too. But one of the aspects whose significance is not hidden is the roof’s paint. It’s not only about the color and design of your roof. Paint has something to do with high quality, valuable appearance and long lastingness.  

Now, if you are thinking about painting your roof, regardless of whether it’s new or an existing roof, you should know what to do and what to avoid. It could be fun but challenging at the same time. Check out these 7 friendly tips on DIY roof painting. 

1 – Inspect your roof first.

Do not ever take any other step without performing a thorough roof inspection. Before laying a paint brush on your roof, make sure you have completely checked and examined the roof. 

This allows you to determine the definite condition of the roof, making sure that it’s alright to do roof painting anytime. Do not recklessly be in a hurry because if you paint your roof without knowing that there are damages, bigger ruins can occur; worse, your life can be put in danger. 

Call and hire a professional roof inspector to do the job. They know what to do without worry. If ever there are issues found, they also know how to address them immediately. 

2 – Clean your roof.

You do not want sticks, insects, hairs and other small elements to be stuck under the paint of your roof, do you? Clean your roof then. 

Before painting it or repainting it, scan the area for existing trash. Throw them properly, and see to it that they will not come back through the wind. Use roof cleaners that are safe and harmless to your roof’s material. Avoid harsh cleaning approaches too. 

If your roof needs heavy general cleaning due to a long time of no cleaning at all, seek help from expert roof cleaners. They have the right roof cleaning agents and equipment for that. Your roof will look like a brand-new one, shining and sparkling as it should.  

3 – Do necessary roof repairs. 

Inspection is vital, so you can prevent damages (all the unknown, unnoticed and hidden) from getting worse. Through this, you also avoid all possible harms that may result from them. How? By doing necessary roof repairs according to the outcomes of the roof inspection. 

Holes, cracks, splits and lacerations on your roof must be filled in and repaired. Its internal zones could get wrecked if paint accidentally enters them. Furthermore, they could cause accidents to people working on your roof, which could be you or someone else. 

4 – Decide on your painting method. 

Roof painting is not simple at all. Firstly, the location is high up there. Secondly, the surface is not even and not flat. Thirdly, the weather and other elements of nature can cause challenges. You should at least choose the right, the best, painting style for you. 

It really depends on your roof type, roof style and roof condition. Do your research, and ask recommendations from painters, particularly roofers, about the suitable paint for your house’s roof. 

For the classic style that is at the same time affordable anytime, the paintbrush method is a good idea. Paint brushes can be found easily, already inside your tool box. It does not require training to use them too. For more convenient handling and farther reach, roller painting is an easy choice. Just know that there are various sizes of rollers. For a faster approach, spray paint method can be done.

Whatever method you pick, make sure you try it out first. Have the correct equipment as well. 

5 – Prepare the right paint and tools. 

Speaking of equipment, you need to prepare and use the right paint and tools. 

For tools, you can rent from an expert roofing company near you. See to it that they are authorized to ensure safety while using them. For paint, there are different sorts of paint, too, so choose the one that’s for roofs. They do not easily fade away or peel off because they are formulated for roofs.   

6 – Cover all areas you don’t want to get paint on.

Just like in any painting project, there could be areas you do not want to touch with paint. Keep them out of sight by putting newspaper, plastic or any other big cover over them. Cover all areas you don’t want to get paint on. 

7 – Be safe.

This is for professionals, but if you need or have no choice but to do DIY roof painting, remember to always be safe. At all costs, be safe. Be alert and responsible for yourself. Make sure that every surface you will step on is free from obstruction. Do not take risks because risks will take you if you do. Put your safety as your DIY roof painting project’s number one priority. 



Ideally, roof painting should be done by skilled roofers or trusted neighborhood carpenters. If you do it on your own, without proper knowledge and skills, it’s dangerous. Uncertainties might bring you to harm. 

But if for some urgent or important reasons you cannot hire a roofer, you should at least have a reliable idea on what to do. Read. Do your research. Ask around. Seek help from family members, friends or neighbors. Better if you have even little experience. Keep in mind the tips listed above while you perform DIY roof painting on your house.  



Nicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. Quality and well-researched writing is her worthwhile avenue to enlighten and delight others about things that matter. She is a daytime writer for young & co roofing Manchester, an excellent roofing and cladding company in Greater Manchester. Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.

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